Year 2: 2016-2017
The coding club continued into 5th grade. This time the girls are using CS First - Music and Sound. The Foshay seniors are still the teachers and every girl embeds what they learn on their portfolios - see sample portfolios here:
Cayla, Kate, Tullie
Year 1:
Girls Who Code FLC from Foshay Learning Center's Technology Academy and Girls Build LA Team started a coding class for 7 4th graders from Melrose Magnet. The first few meetings are about experimentation, building community and building the confidence to try new things.
The girls met once a month for two hours. Every meeting was project based and ended with the girls updating their digital portfolios that included a reflection and images from the meeting. The first meeting was Makey-Makeys. Girls experimented with programming musical instruments and games. See wrap of the day here. Meeting two was Digital Portfolios - the girls built their digital portfolios (they don’t need to be published, if you don’t want them on the web yet) but it is a place for the girls to document their experience. The last two meetings were programming in Scratch and programming with Spheros.
The coding club continued into 5th grade. This time the girls are using CS First - Music and Sound. The Foshay seniors are still the teachers and every girl embeds what they learn on their portfolios - see sample portfolios here:
Cayla, Kate, Tullie
Year 1:
Girls Who Code FLC from Foshay Learning Center's Technology Academy and Girls Build LA Team started a coding class for 7 4th graders from Melrose Magnet. The first few meetings are about experimentation, building community and building the confidence to try new things.
The girls met once a month for two hours. Every meeting was project based and ended with the girls updating their digital portfolios that included a reflection and images from the meeting. The first meeting was Makey-Makeys. Girls experimented with programming musical instruments and games. See wrap of the day here. Meeting two was Digital Portfolios - the girls built their digital portfolios (they don’t need to be published, if you don’t want them on the web yet) but it is a place for the girls to document their experience. The last two meetings were programming in Scratch and programming with Spheros.