DAY 1: Makey-Makey
It was a joy to watch five 4th grade girls learn how to experiment with the Makey-Makeys with the assistance of two juniors from Foshay Tech Academy's Girls Who Code Club. The 4th graders quickly overcame any resistance and fear when they were encouraged to test ideas and try new things. They learned that options are endless and learning is more fun when done in a group.
Please check out the pictures, videos and reflections (below) that the girls wrote.
Today in the girls who club we used the Makey-Makey. With the Makey-Makey I used coins to create arrow keys. There were some times when I got frustrated because some of the things for the arrow keys didn’t work. I really liked using the Makey-Makey. I wonder what we will do next time. Cayla A.
Today we used Makey Makeys. I tried to put two alligator clips on one banana but it did not work. I played Super Mario Bros. I used bananas as left and right arrow keys. After I played a down hill car racing game. We did a band and I was drums. At the end of class we do this thing where we hold hand and the person at the end pressed the pennies that played music. Next time we will make a website. - Ava C
Today in the first day of the girls code club we used Makey-Makey. I really liked when we played video games. I also liked when we used the bananas and killed them. - Kate B
Today what I learned on the Makey Makeys is that you can use bananas, Play Doh, and coins to play video games. Two students taught us how to do that. It was really fun. For example I played the piano with Play Do. We used alligator cords to connect to the Makey Makey and to the banana, Play Do, and coins. - Tullie D.
Please check out the pictures, videos and reflections (below) that the girls wrote.
Today in the girls who club we used the Makey-Makey. With the Makey-Makey I used coins to create arrow keys. There were some times when I got frustrated because some of the things for the arrow keys didn’t work. I really liked using the Makey-Makey. I wonder what we will do next time. Cayla A.
Today we used Makey Makeys. I tried to put two alligator clips on one banana but it did not work. I played Super Mario Bros. I used bananas as left and right arrow keys. After I played a down hill car racing game. We did a band and I was drums. At the end of class we do this thing where we hold hand and the person at the end pressed the pennies that played music. Next time we will make a website. - Ava C
Today in the first day of the girls code club we used Makey-Makey. I really liked when we played video games. I also liked when we used the bananas and killed them. - Kate B
Today what I learned on the Makey Makeys is that you can use bananas, Play Doh, and coins to play video games. Two students taught us how to do that. It was really fun. For example I played the piano with Play Do. We used alligator cords to connect to the Makey Makey and to the banana, Play Do, and coins. - Tullie D.